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What You Need to Know About Asp.Net Core MVC

What You Need to Know About Asp.Net Core MVC

Everything you want to know about ASP.NET Core MVC is in this article! Start reading now to learn about web applications, security, real-time features, and more.

What You Need to Know About Asp.Net Core MVC

Asp.Net Core MVC is a web application framework developed by Microsoft. This framework is part of .Net Core and is an open-source project. Asp.Net Core MVC is a tool used for developing web applications and provides many advantages to developers.

The first thing you need to know about Asp.Net Core MVC is that it's an important resource for those wanting to develop web applications using this framework. This resource explains the basic features of Asp.Net Core MVC and how it can be used.

Asp.Net Core MVC is a tool preferred by many developers because it is open source and compatible with .Net Core. With this tool, developing web applications becomes easier and more efficient. Asp.Net Core MVC is a beneficial resource for those who want to develop web applications using this tool.

What is Asp.Net Core MVC?

The question of what Asp.Net Core MVC is a matter of curiosity for those who want to develop a web application. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a web application architecture. This architecture is used to separate a web application's design and functionality. The Model represents the data model of the application. The View represents the interface that the user interacts with. The Controller manages user transactions and communicates between the data model and the interface.

Advantages of Asp.Net Core MVC

The advantages of Asp.Net Core MVC can be listed as follows:

  • It is a scalable application development architecture.
  • It allows you to test different layers of the application independently.
  • It simplifies the maintenance of the application, as the responsibilities of each layer are separate.
  • It increases the security of the application because communication between the data model and the interface is controlled.

Asp.Net Core MVC is a very popular solution for developing web applications and is often preferred by those who frequently develop web applications.

Disadvantages of Asp.Net Core MVC

The disadvantages of Asp.Net Core MVC can be stated as follows:

  • It is harder to learn compared to other web application architectures.
  • You may need to write more code for the development of the application.

These disadvantages are smaller compared to the advantages of ASP.NET Core MVC, and in most cases, these disadvantages can be easily overcome when handled correctly.

Asp.Net Core MVC Application Development Process

Asp.Net Core MVC is a framework used for developing modern web applications. The application development process usually involves the following steps:

  • Needs analysis: The requirements of the application are determined.
  • Design: The application's design is done.
  • Development: The application is developed.
  • Test: The application is tested.
  • Publishing: The application is published.

Asp.Net Core MVC uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern in the design and development stages. This design pattern makes different layers of the application independent of each other, making the application easier to manage.

Asp.Net Core MVC Application Configuration

The Asp.Net Core MVC application structure generally includes the following components:

Models: The data model of the application.
Views: The user interface of the application.
Controllers: The component that manages the business logic of the application.
Startup.cs: The class that configures the startup settings of the application.
appsettings.json: The file that contains the configuration settings of the application.

These components determine the structure and working principle of the application. Properly configuring the application structure ensures better performance and easier management of the application.

Asp.Net Core MVC Application Test Process

The test process is used to verify that the application is working correctly and producing the expected results. The Asp.Net Core MVC application test process includes the following steps:

  • Unit Tests: Used to test small parts of the application, like a method or class.
  • Integration Tests: Used to verify that different parts of the application work correctly when combined.
  • Acceptance Tests: Used to test the entire application. These tests follow the application's usage scenarios and verify the expected results.

The test process for ASP.NET Core MVC applications is essential to enhance the quality of the application and minimize errors.

Asp.Net Core MVC Application Test Tool

There are many tools available for testing Asp.Net Core MVC applications. These tools can be used for unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. The most popular Asp.Net Core MVC application test tools include:

  • XUnit: A scalable unit test framework that is compatible with .Net Core.
  • Mog: A mock object library compatible with .Net Core.
  • Selenium: A tool used for acceptance tests. It automatically controls the web browser and runs test scenarios.

Other tools used for testing Asp.Net Core MVC include NUnit, MSTest, NUnitLite, and FluentAssertions.

Areas of Use for Asp.Net Core MVC

ASP.NET Core MVC allows you to create models, views, and controllers in a web application. ASP.NET Core MVC is a framework developed by Microsoft, built on the .NET Core library. The areas of use for ASP.NET Core MVC include:

  • Web Applications: ASP.NET Core MVC is a popular choice for creating web applications. This framework offers a quick and easy approach to web application development.
  • Web APIs: ASP.NET Core MVC can also be used to create web APIs. This enables application developers to create web services that access data sources and serve the outside world.
  • Scalable Web Applications: ASP.NET Core MVC is designed to manage high-traffic web applications. Thus, it is possible to easily scale large-scale web applications.

Functionally, it separates server-side coding and client-side interface design by following the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture of web applications. This provides a more flexible approach during the application development process.

Security in ASP.NET Core MVC Applications

Security in ASP.NET Core MVC applications is quite important for the protection of user data and the prevention of unauthorized access. Here are some important steps for security in ASP.NET Core MVC applications:

  • Authentication: Used in ASP.NET Core MVC applications to verify users' identities. This is required for users to log into the application and access specific features of the application.
  • Authorization: In ASP.NET Core MVC applications, authorization enables the authorization of users to access certain functions or features. Role-based authorization allows users to be assigned specific roles, and these roles are allowed access to certain functions or features.

Ensuring security in ASP.NET Core MVC applications is the responsibility of application developers and administrators. Therefore, taking necessary precautions for application security is quite important in terms of protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access.

High-Level Development with ASP.NET Core MVC

Learning what you need to know about ASP.NET Core MVC makes it easier to use this application framework. You can evaluate protocols that will help you increase interaction while developing applications with ASP.NET Core MVC.


SignalR is a real-time web application development library. SignalR provides two-way communication between the server and client and allows automatic sending of data from the server to clients. This can be used to add features to your application such as real-time notifications, chat applications, and live data updates.

SignalR can easily be integrated into ASP.NET Core MVC applications. SignalR can be set up in a few steps and made quickly usable. SignalR is definitely a library you need to learn if you want to add real-time features to your application.


ASP.NET Core MVC can also be used to create Web APIs. A Web API allows your application to interact with the outside world. This allows your application to share data with other applications and integrate.

The use of Web APIs has increased recently and is one of the must-haves for modern web applications. ASP.NET Core MVC simplifies the creation of Web APIs and can be created in a few steps. Having knowledge about the use of Web APIs can help your application become more flexible and expandable.


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