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What is IoT (Internet of Things) and What Does It Do?

What is IoT (Internet of Things) and What Does It Do?

In this blog, you will learn the details about IoT, the importance of specializing in the field of IoT with the advancement of technology, and the significance of gaining in-depth knowledge in this area.
6 Minutes

In today's world, where technology is rapidly evolving, there is a concept that is increasingly becoming central to our lives: IoT (Internet of Things). How well do you understand this digital concept and its impacts?

How Does IoT (Internet of Things) Work?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the general name for physical devices that are connected to the internet. This technology ecosystem allows these devices to communicate and share the data they collect through sensors or software. This way, IoT devices can work integrated with various systems and exchange information. As a result, many devices used in daily life become interconnected. Through internet access and the intelligent network it creates, these devices can quickly respond to their users' demands. At its core, this ecosystem involves collecting environmental data via sensors, then analyzing this data, and delivering the obtained information to users or other devices. This fundamental operational mechanism enables devices to connect to the internet and establish ecosystems in various fields, from smart home systems to industrial automation.

What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

The term "Internet of Things (IoT)" refers to a technology ecosystem that allows everyday objects to exchange data with each other and remain in full synchronization. This ecosystem provides the capabilities to collect, transmit, and process data from various environments through smart devices. Equipped with sensors and connectivity features, IoT devices enable objects commonly used in daily life to communicate and share data with each other.

These devices typically transmit the data they collect through communication protocols. These datasets are then stored and analyzed either in cloud systems or another edge device. The results of this analysis provide users with the ability to make better-informed decisions, optimize processes, or predict future actions.

For example, let's consider an IoT scenario in smart agriculture. Sensors placed in a field continuously measure soil moisture, temperature, plant growth, and other factors. This data is stored in a central system and can be transmitted to a cloud system. Cloud systems have the capacity to store, process, and analyze these datasets. Using analytical tools, the data on soil conditions, weather, and plant growth can be examined. These analyses provide farmers and agricultural engineers with various insights into soil composition. For instance, if a decrease in soil moisture is detected, it may indicate that the plants need water. Based on the analysis results, automatic irrigation systems can be activated, allowing water resources to be used more effectively and optimizing plant health and productivity. These data-driven decisions enable more sustainable and efficient agricultural practices by improving farming processes.

What Are the Foundations of an IoT (Internet of Things) System?

The fundamental elements that constitute an IoT (Internet of Things) system form the core components of the ecosystem. These key elements are:

  • Sensors: IoT devices perceive their surroundings through various sensors and convert their observations into datasets. This data is then sent to a central point for processing. These sensors can measure a variety of parameters such as temperature, humidity, light, motion, sound, and magnetic fields. For instance, a humidity sensor can monitor current weather conditions and share this data with other devices or a central system.
  • Communication Protocols: Communication between IoT devices occurs through specific protocols. Devices communicate with each other and the central system using either wireless (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) or wired network communication technologies.
  • Security Layers: Security is of paramount importance in IoT systems as they often deal with sensitive data. Measures such as secure communication between devices, data encryption, and authentication are implemented. These security protocols are included in this layer.
  • Applications and User Interfaces: The IoT ecosystem is typically controlled through an application. Users can access, monitor, or control IoT devices via mobile applications or web interfaces.

What Are the Advantages of IoT (Internet of Things)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has a wide range of impacts on both daily and professional life. It makes life more productive, comfortable, and, most importantly, healthier by collecting and analyzing environmental data through sensors.

These analyses, which allow devices to make real-time decisions, provide cost and time savings in industrial sectors by improving automation, energy management, and maintenance processes in work operations.

For example, consider a technological ecosystem set up in your own home. This ecosystem can spring into action automatically when your morning alarm rings. As you turn off your alarm, it could communicate with your automatic coffee maker to start brewing coffee, activate the motorized smart curtains to let in sunlight, and even initiate your car's de-icing mode to clear frost from the windows. In the IoT world, the possibilities offered to the user are virtually limitless.

What Are IoT (Internet of Things) Technologies?

Some of the technologies used in IoT systems include:

  • Edge Computing: This approach allows remote devices to process data at the "edge" of the network through the device itself or a local server. When data needs to be processed in a central data center, only critical data is transmitted, reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent to a central location, thereby minimizing latency. Edge computing offers a solution to optimize network traffic and increase energy efficiency, especially in scenarios where IoT devices generate large volumes of data.
  • Cloud Computing: The integration of IoT with cloud computing forms a powerful combination of modern technology. Cloud computing offers significant advantages in data storage and IoT device management. IoT devices can communicate with each other and with a central service through cloud infrastructure. This allows data from devices to be uploaded to the cloud and stored in a central location. Data stored in the cloud can be accessed from any device on the network, from anywhere. This system enables remote access to data by multiple devices and provides a central point for data analysis, updates, and management. This integration allows IoT devices to be managed effectively and ensures the secure storage of large amounts of data, making the systems more efficient and scalable.
  • Machine Learning: Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence aimed at enabling computer systems to analyze data and gain the ability to learn from it. Machine learning algorithms typically examine large datasets to recognize patterns and develop the ability to predict future decisions through the learning process. IoT devices use these algorithms to analyze the data they collect, creating a smarter ecosystem overall.

With the advancement of technology, specializing in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and progressing in this innovative area to gain a competitive advantage is a critical step. If you also want to learn more about the Internet of Things and strengthen your skills, you can check out's free and certified Bootcamp programs. By completing these programs, you can benefit from our career guidance page and more clearly define your career goals in the technology field. Take your step now to lay the foundations for your future success story!

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