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Zip is a widely used and standardized data compression and archiving format. Files created in this format have a “.zip” extension.

What is Zip?

Zip is an archive file format that allows for data compression without loss, known as lossless compression. The first version of Zip was introduced in 1989 by PKWARE under the name PKZIP, as an alternative to the then-popular ARC compression format. It later became known as Zip, with files bearing the ".zip" extension.

Zip supports multiple data compression algorithms, with the DEFLATE algorithm being the most commonly used, which enables efficient lossless compression. Starting in the early 2000s, Zip gained widespread adoption and became natively supported by operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Linux-based operating systems also include built-in support for Zip and other compressed archive formats.

Zip allows users to view the contents of the archive without extracting the entire file. This feature enables the extraction of specific files without affecting the rest of the archive. Users can also add new files to existing Zip archives without creating a completely new archive.

Zip is commonly used for archiving and sharing data. When sharing multiple files, it's more convenient to compress them into a single Zip file, reducing the total size for transfer. This makes data transfer faster and more efficient, as Zip files occupy less space compared to the sum of the original files.

The History of Zip

The origins of Zip can be traced back to PKWARE's PKZIP. Phil Katz and Infinity Design Concepts' Gary Conway were the creators of the Zip format. Phil Katz was motivated to develop a new format following a lawsuit by System Enhancement Associates (SEA) against PKWARE, alleging that PKZIP’s PKARC had infringed on SEA's ARC archiving system.

The first version of the Zip format was released in 1989, bundled with PKWARE's PKZIP 0.9. Later that same year, Zip was made public domain by PKWARE and Infinity Design Concepts, meaning anyone could use and implement the format without licensing fees.

In 1993, the Zip format was updated to version 2.0, introducing the DEFLATE compression algorithm developed by Phil Katz and the PKWARE encryption system ZipCrypto. Today, Zip continues to evolve and adapt to modern technologies.

How to Use Zip? How to Open It?

Zip files are widely supported across various platforms, making them one of the most commonly used compression formats. This broad support allows you to open Zip files on Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile operating systems.

Due to its extensive adoption, many operating systems include native support for compressed files. If your operating system does not, you can choose from numerous third-party utilities to open Zip files and other compressed archive formats.

Creating and compressing files into Zip format can also be done using similar tools. Most utilities that open Zip files also allow you to create them, enabling you to compress and package your files with ease."

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