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What is GitHub and what does it do?

What is GitHub and what does it do?

If you are interested in software and wondering what Github is and what it does, this article is for you!

What is GitHub and what does it do?

With Github becoming more and more popular every day, many people are searching for the answer to the question of what is Github.  Basically, in order to understand what Github is and what it does, the words 'Git' and 'Hub' should be emphasized. Git is the name given to the control system that has been integrated with the software, while Github is known as the name given to the 'code repository' specially created with the software.

Github is one of the most useful programs for people who need to work as a team, especially in the field of software, to work as a team in their projects.  Members from all over the world can be added to the application, and a team can be formed by adding and removing different people. Thanks to this application, updates can be made to the codes as a team and the codes can be delivered to everyone at the same time. If some changes are desired to be made during the project creation and development process, there is also the ability to make changes to the code in order to correct errors and make updates.  In a short way, it becomes possible to answer the question "What is Github and what does it do?" in this way. The answer to the question of how to use Github is much different.

Is Github Membership Paid?

One of the most frequently asked questions about Github, a kind of code repository, is 'Is Github membership paid? It is thought that Github is also paid because storage spaces charge a fee. However, there is no fee for Github membership. Anyone who wants can become a member by logging into Github over the internet and storage space can be used free of charge after the membership creation process. With the membership created for projects, it becomes possible to upload files to the system free of charge.

To start using GitHub, you only need to create a GitHub account. After creating your account, you can start using the platform for free.  With this free account, you can have unlimited access to public and private repositories. In addition to all this, you can track bugs and perform project management.  It is also possible to work collectively for free for up to three collaborators.

What are the Advantages of Github?

Why is it important to use GitHub or is Github advantageous? There are many reasons why this question is often asked. First of all, it helps to ensure a professional and easy collaboration process and to perform version control as well as possible. Although this may seem like a normal and simple thing, it allows anyone, anywhere to modify the code.  In addition to all of this, many employer organizations make their work much easier with the use of GitHub. They want their employees to know how to use this platform.  For this reason, it is of great importance that this platform can be used in the process of finding a job. It is seen that people who know how to use it are one step ahead in job applications.  For this reason, if you are working in the field of software, it is recommended that you learn how to use the platform.  Github works with "Git". Git is known as a widely used software type in the software field. So what are the advantages of this software type?

In addition to what Github does, its advantages are among the things many people are curious about. People who are at the beginning stage of what is Github can produce very high quality work by taking a look at these advantages. The main advantages of Github can be listed as follows;

  • It allows working as a team.
  • It helps to store data.
  • It enables software management to be managed individually or as a group.
  • It becomes a very powerful storage space.
  • Changes in versions can be easily observed.
  • The works can be displayed in a simple way.

How to Run a Github Project?

Another issue that people who create a Github project and people who want to work on this project are investigating is how to run a Github project. There are many ways to run a Github project. However, certain methods are preferred by software developers and professional Github users. In this way, it becomes possible to run the project in a shorter time and a more professional job can be created without wasting time. If you want to work and open any project from the Github repository, you can take advantage of the following method.

The first thing you need to do to run a Github project is to open Visual Studio. After opening Visual Studio, the second step is to click on the 'copy repository' option in the start window, then enter the repository location and press the copy button. After pressing the copy button, you may be asked for some personal information. If you are asked for personal information, you need to enter your personal information in these boxes.  The information requested for Github user information includes your user login information, i.e. your name and e-mail address. After entering this information, if you want your information to be saved, you can press the button called .gitconfig to save your information. However, some people may want to re-enter or not save their information every time at this stage. If you do not want your information to be saved and you think you can re-enter information every time, you can use the cancel button and do not mark .gitconfig.

After completing this stage, you can move on to the next stage. At this stage, you can access the folder view from the solution explorer in Visual Studio and restore the repository information. Alternatively, different methods can be used and it is known that the change view button can be used to view the solution code.  In this way, you can see the projects you have created on Github and then click on your Github project to run it. This is how the question of what is Github task manager can be explained.

How to Use Github?

There are many ways to use Github. Many developers adopt the easiest and most practical method that suits them. However, at this stage, the ways and methods adopted by the general users are also frequently preferred.  First of all, the answer to the questions "What is Git and Github?" should be learned before starting to use it. Understanding the logic of Github and knowing its details before use makes the process easier and enables professional use. If you want to become a Github user but don't know how to use this application, you can get information by reading much information such as what is Github for Windows 10.

First of all, it is very important to have information about what Github does. Github; GitHub is known as one of the largest and most advanced code developer communities in the world. This community, which is among the developers used around the world, is seen as a platform that provides online communication between people and facilitates and encourages this communication. Github, development teams enable people working for the same purpose to work together on a common project and follow existing codes, versions, and work without interruption. Especially if you are working on an application that requires constant change, it makes it easier to follow the code. However, the conveniences provided by Github are not limited to this.

When new edits and additions are to be made to any software, it allows the codes to be added, that is, the features to be added, to be easily added to the existing software that anyone can access if the features are completed. GitHub is also designed to perfect even the smallest parts of programs developed online.  It also makes it very easy for developers to work on code strings together, and everyone can see the latest updates and stay informed about updates at the same time.  It seems to provide a lot of advantages in terms of project management.  However, all this information only scratches the surface of Github. The biggest reason for this is that Github offers much more to its users than what is described.

How to Promote a Github Profile?

Promoting your Github profile can be done quite easily.  Github is seen as a unique platform not only to increase programming knowledge but also to realize your most professional and high quality work. The Github profile is an active platform for recruiters to find you and reach you more easily.  Many people get GitHub followers thanks to interesting blog posts, interesting images or various posts. In this way, it is possible to promote the profile. This is how the question "What is Github and what does it do?" is answered. When the Github profile is promoted by more people, the process of finding a job becomes easier and employers can reach profile owners more easily. So, what is Git branch?

What is Git Branch?

Git development branches seem to be a professional way to implement and use code and follow processes. In general terms, a development branch is a fork that creates a new evolution for the development of the code.  During the code development process, these Git branches can change in parallel.  New additions can be made or some features can be removed. Adding new functions provides many advantages at this stage. You can also see new features for your application before adding the development on the main branch.  With Git branches, different development branches can be created that can be stored in the same repository.

Why is Github so Popular?

Github is mostly preferred for open-source projects and is now used by more than 100 million people.  This statistic shows that Github is the most popular software platform.  Git and GUI clients are also used by large enterprises.  The biggest reason for this is that GitHub and Git include version control features and serve as repositories. It also acts as a cloud, especially because it provides organizations and offers a professional function.  In other words, all these GitHub users can access the Git functions offered to them in the same place, and code can be monitored in real time.

In addition to all this, GitHub stands out for its user-friendliness and the common handling of information. This platform is preferred because it helps projects progress in a professional manner. The fact that the interface is designed in an easy way is also the reason why users prefer Github.  For this reason, this platform is among the most preferred and popularly used platforms today.  The application preferred by people who want to carry out their work easily and progress professionally is used by many people every day. Employers also pay attention to people who can use this platform and ensure that people who can use Github are preferred during recruitment.  Thus, both active work can be carried out and people who will work as a team are helped to work more easily. What is Github and what does it do? The question can be answered in this way.

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