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Special Training Opportunity for Young NEET* Women in Izmir in the Field of Data!

Special Training Opportunity for Young NEET* Women in Izmir in the Field of Data!

Great opportunity in the IT sector for young women in Izmir who are 'Not in Education, Nor Employed', in this training!

Special Training Opportunity for Young NEET* Women in Izmir in the Field of Data!

Let's start by clarifying what we mean by “NEET”: Young people who are “Not in Education, Employment, or Training” (NEET) are, like in many places around the world, living more vulnerable lives from today to tomorrow in Turkey as well, distanced from these two major windows of opportunity in economic and societal life.

This situation is much more acute for young women. According to 2022 labor force data from TURKSTAT, the population aged 18-29 in Turkey is just over 14.5 million. Among young males in this age range, the NEET rate is 19%, whereas it’s 45.1% for young females. This means, almost one in every two young women in our country is not engaged in education or employment.

Why Data Entry Personnel?

With the inevitable proliferation of information technologies in every aspect of life, there has been a significant increase in job and employment opportunities at various levels in the field of data management. Especially for those who wish to leverage these growing opportunities in the data management sector of the IT industry while taking the first steps in their careers, institutions with intense data management needs such as healthcare and educational institutions, accommodation facilities stand out.

Who Can Participate?

Young NEET women aged 18-29, residing in Izmir and at least high school graduates can apply.

Training Venue and Schedule:

The Data Entry Personnel training will be organized at the Halkapinar Campus of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Vocational Factory, every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, between 09:30 – 15:30.

The training will start on Monday, October 16, 2023, and will last a total of 120 hours. It's aimed to conclude on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

To apply, registration needs to be done on the Izmir Vocational Factory website > Course Centers > Halkapinar > Data Entry Personnel Training.

The deadline for applications: October 9, 2023

Why Should You Participate?

As information technologies inevitably proliferate in every aspect of life, data has become one of the most valuable resources in today’s world. Businesses with extensive data management needs, such as hospitals and healthcare facilities, schools and educational institutions, hotels and accommodation facilities, offer widespread opportunities for young women who are “not in education or employment.”

The Data Entry Personnel Training is organized within the scope of the Young Women Building Their Future Project, conducted by the Sabanci Foundation and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. The training will be carried out in collaboration with the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Vocational Factory, Izmir Technology and Informatics Association,, and

The free training program includes topics such as data, structured data, data cleaning, forms and cloud structures, internet research, reliable and unreliable sources, PDPL and data security, Excel, Basic SQL, effective communication reporting. After the completion of the training program, it's aimed to direct the participants to potential firms in the industry and support their job placements.

During the training, participants will receive facilitative employment supports such as orientation and technical seminars on IT and data management sector skills in collaboration with the Izmir Technology and Informatics Association, announcement of graduates to relevant firms in Izmir in collaboration with and, and seminars focused on violence against women in collaboration with the Izmir Bar Association, besides the effective curriculum created with the contributions of the practical partners at the motivating campus of the course center in Halkapinar, with the experienced instructors and technical equipment of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Vocational Factory.

If you are a young NEET woman aged 18-29, residing in Izmir, and at least a high school graduate, whether you are at the very beginning of your career or wish to add momentum to your newly advancing work life, this training could be a perfect opportunity for you. Invest in yourself, shape your future.

To apply now 👉

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