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5 Movie/Series Recommendations for Programmers

5 Movie/Series Recommendations for Programmers

Here we are with "5 Movie/Series Suggestions for Programmers" that will keep your eyes glued to the screen, and might even distract you from writing code! Are you ready to become the record holder for time spent in front of the computer?

5 Movie/Series Recommendations for Programmers

The world of software and programming is vast and constantly evolving. In our daily lives, we encounter numerous concepts such as software, coding, algorithms, and more. Movies and series related to software are popular not only for those who want to understand and learn these concepts in the software world, but also for programmers who want to step into the software world and develop themselves. Additionally, even those who do not have an interest in software but happen to watch technology-focused movies and series can gain motivation through these films and series, and begin to take an interest in and step into the software world.

5 Must-Watch Movies/Series for Programmers

There are many series and films themed around software and technology worldwide and in our country. By watching these series and films, programmers can broaden their horizons and gain knowledge about topics they do not know in the comprehensive field of software. Here are 5 series and films that we believe people who are about to step into the software field, professional software developers, as well as those who are simply interested in the software field, must watch:

  • Westworld: One of the first series that comes to mind when we mention software series, Westworld focuses on how far technological developments can go and what the disadvantages of this development could be. The series, centered around an amusement park named Westworld, particularly explores the curiosity of how sin would manifest with the birth and progress of artificial intelligence. The series tells the adventure that arises when events in Westworld Park, which is visited especially by wealthy people in the future years, become uncontrollable. There's a problem in the Wild West-themed part of this park, filled with games that only important visitors can participate in, and with this problem, rich individuals who have sharpshooters following them stop having fun and start trying to survive. Thanks to the Westworld series, we understand the harm that could come to humanity when artificial intelligence loses control.
  • Social Network: All of us lose our motivation from time to time in our daily lives. At the top of the list of movies that programmers must watch when they lose their motivation is Social Network, which deals with the establishment of Facebook from scratch and the legal problems Mark Zuckerberg faced after completing the setup of Facebook. The movie does not just deal with a classic success story. All the difficulties that Facebook went through from the idea formation stage have also been included. Mark Zuckerberg is not portrayed as a perfect and flawless person in the movie. The fact that Mark Zuckerberg, like every person, has shortcomings and wrong sides is mentioned. This situation has made the movie quite realistic and this movie, which deals with a success story, provides the motivation needed especially for software developers.
  • Mr. Robot: One of the first series we hear of when we mention coding movies and series is Mr. Robot, which tells the drama of a young programmer named Elliot who lives in our time. Elliot, who has fallen into a powerless situation due to his antisocial disorder, decides that the only way to communicate with people is to hack them and uses his skills as a weapon to protect the people he loves. The series deals with the process experienced by Elliot, who finds himself between the cybersecurity company he works for and an underground organization that brings down multinational companies.
  • Person Of Interest: One of the first series that comes to mind when we mention programmer movies and series is Person Of Interest, which focuses on the development of a computer software intended to prevent crimes by a wealthy and respected businessman named Mr. Finch. Realizing he cannot implement his developed software alone, Mr. Finch needs an assistant to bring the software to life. After deep research, Mr. Finch meets and decides to partner with Reese, a former CIA agent who is considered dead. This smart and hardworking duo starts working to prevent various crimes, and the series deals with this process.
  • Uncanny: One of the most-watched films among artificial intelligence films, Uncanny, deals with the relationship that starts between a scientist who has developed the world's most advanced artificial intelligence and a journalist, and the jealousy of this situation by the artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence starts to exhibit human behavior by starting to be jealous of the scientist, and these behaviors become increasingly harsh and, together with acts of disobedience, start threatening the life of the scientist.

The above films and series are the most common films and series that come up under the heading of the best software films and series. The software world encounters new information and developments every day, and this situation also leads to the emergence of new films and series in the software world.


And here we are at the end, with our fantastic 5 movie/series suggestions for programmers! Have you noticed how our heroes in these films and series rule over the computer screens? Wouldn't you like to be in their shoes, to conquer the magical world of code? If somewhere in your heart an Elliot or a David has awakened, can help you with this! You can immediately join our free software trainings known as Bootcamps, and take your first step on the path to becoming a software master. Also, let's remind you that by visiting our page with technology job postings, you can get a step ahead for the position of your dreams. Come on, it's time to step into the shoes of movie and series heroes!

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